We likee Hatchet 3

Hatchet 3: Hatchet 3 Horror Film is the 2013 installment of the Hatchet film series. It chronicles Victor Crowley's continuing adventures and his rampage through Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp. Kane Hodder stars as Victor Crowley, Brian Quinn plays Deputy Winslow and Rileah Vanderbilt is Misty.

The film's special effects are the film's biggest strengths. Hatchet 3 is a modern horror film that heavily relies on CG effects. Hatchet 3 focuses mainly on practical makeup effects and sets. The result is terrifying scenes.

Kane Hodder is a standout in the ensemble and is a formidable villain. The dialogue is a bit snarky and witty to be reminiscent of a classic 1980s slasher film at moments. There are moments of humor in the movie which add humour to the bloody action.

The problem is that the budget is so limited (reportedly $1 million) the majority of locations used that are featured in the movie are re-used locations from earlier films in the series. For instance, the same boathouse was featured twice within the movie. A lot of the locations seem like they've been reused from other films in this franchise. It's almost like it's familiar to those who've Decker Shado Hatchet 3 seen Hatchet or Hatchet 2.

Overall, Hatchet 3 was a good series. There was plenty of gory thrills and several great performances by the actors.

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